Sunday, December 30, 2007

Corns, Calluses & Warts

Corns, calluses and warts are areas of thickened skin irritations that can occur on the foot. Calluses are thick, painful skin irritations that can occur on the bottom of the foot. If the thickened area is on top of the toes, we call it a corn. Corns are usually caused by shoes pressing against the toes. They are made worse if the toe is crooked or contracted (hammertoe). These areas generally represent areas of excessive pressure or friction in shoes or while walking on hard surfaces. Caution should be used whenever using any type of corn or callus removers because these medications contain acids that burn the thickened skin off. If you have diabetes, you should never use these medications without a physician's guidance. These irritations will generally reoccur after use of these medications because the source of irritation is still present. Home remedies might include shoe cushions or pads, and if they are between the toes, pads might be used. Warm water soaks and then buffing with a pumice stone may help. Creams and lotions may be of some temporary help. If none of this helps it's best to consult a specialis.

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